Spatial Reference Tissue

BioChain’s selection of ready-to-use, off the self, characterized tissues have already completed the robust spatial workflow (sample prep, imaging, library construction, sequencing, and data analysis), allowing researchers to bypass executing a custom spatial experiment, saving valuable time and money. This enables scientists to unreservedly review the spatial data and the tissues before purchasing while having the option to effectively scale to a custom-tailored experience for further experimental control.

Spatial Reference Tissue Categories

10X Visium Characterized Tissues

BioChain's off the self, 10X Visium characterized tissues have already completed the robust 5 step Visium workflow

NanoString GeoMx Characterized Tissues

Coming Soon! Off the shelf, GeoMx Characterized tissues that have fully completed the vigorous spatial workflow

Need biospecimens from multiple donors?

Reach out to us to customize your project! We offer sample collection + preparation, extraction & purification, and sample analysis services.

Related Product Categories

Frozen Arrays

Frozen Tissue Arrays contain a variety of human normal and tumor tissues, including FDA TMAs are available

FFPE Blocks

Our repository covers a wide variety of normal, diseased and tumor blocks retrieved from animal and Human species

FFPE Sections

FFPE Tissue Sections/Curls cut at 5 micron thickness from a large selection of normal, diseased, tumor tissues