Curio Seeker Whole Transcriptome Spatial Mapping

Discover the unknown with the highest resolution, whole transcriptome spatial mapping tool by Curio Bioscience.

Features & Benefits

The Curio Seeker Kit offers spatial profiling that is:

  1. Single cell
  2. Unbiased whole-transcriptome
  3. Flexible and easy with no optimization.
  4. Fits into your existing sequencing workflow
  5. No additional equipment required
  6. Fast and affordable
  7. Any organism

Service Overview

Curio Seeker High-Resolution Spatial Biology

Curio Seeker offers single-cell, whole-transcriptome spatial profiling for any organism. Based on Slide-seqV2 from the Broad Institute at MIT, Curio Seeker produces continuous high-resolution gene expression maps at 10um resolution.

Whole-Transcriptome Spatial Mapping

Current Challenges:

  • Trade-off between resolution and number of targets
  • Cumbersome workflows requiring assay optimization
  • Capital equipment


Curio Seeker addresses all of these challenges to give you a product that is easy to use and fits right into your current sequencing and single-cell workflows!

Curio Seeker enables whole-transcriptome, spatial mapping of fresh frozen tissue sections at industry-leading resolution and plugs directly into existing sequencing workflows.

The Curio Seeker tile preserves spatial information of the tissue transcriptome by capturing RNA on an indexed surface composed of a monolayer of tightly packed, 10 μm beads.

Once captured the RNA undergoes reverse transcription, library preparation, and sequencing. The sequencing data is then reconstructed bioinformatically into a continuous, whole-transcriptome map of your region of interest.

"Until now, researchers considering spatial genomics tools have had to choose between unbiased methods that provide high transcriptomic coverage at the cost of resolution or targeted methods that provide high-resolution data across only a subset of targets."

 -Evan Macosko, M.D., Ph.D.

  Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

High-Resolution Spatial Expression Maps

Standard html output from the Curio Seeker bioinformatics pipeline includes results from unbiased clustering and dimension reduction (left) as well as spatial map of identified clusters (right).

Differentially Expressed Genes

The Curio Seeker bioinformatics pipeline provides a bubble plot of the top differentially expressed genes for each UMAP cluster.

The Curio Seeker bioinformatics pipeline reconstructs spatial gene expression of the top ten spatially differential genes in your sample. These images highlight the sharp definition of gene expression that can be achieved on the Curio Seeker system.

Annotate Cell Clusters Using Single-Cell Data

Secondary analysis using open-source tools such as RCTD and a single-cell gene expression reference data set can accurately identify and spatially locate cell types of interest.

Curio Seeker Workflow

The Curio Seeker tile captures and stabilizes mRNA from a placed tissue section on its spatially indexed beads by hybridization and reverse transcription. The indexed beads are then dissociated during tissue clearing before second-strand synthesis and cDNA amplification. After purification and quantification, the cDNA library undergoes NGS library preparation and is sequenced on an Illumina sequencer. FASTQ files from the sequencing run are processed by the Curio Seeker Bioinformatics pipeline to create a detailed spatial transcriptomic map of the tissue section.

Interested in Curio Seeker or just want to learn more?

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Curio Seeker Bioinformatics Pipeline

The primary analysis pipeline analyzes sequenced data from the Curio Seeker kit for high-resolution spatial transcriptomics investigation. The pipeline utilizes the FASTQ files generated from sequencing of the libraries prepared by the Curio Seeker kit, the bead barcode whitelist for the Curio Seeker tile used, reference genome FASTA and GTF files, and a sample sheet associating sample name with the aforementioned input. The pipeline reconstructs a spatial map of gene expression for users to perform secondary analyses. It additionally conducts quality control to help users determine next steps.

Pipeline Outputs


Pipeline HTML Report Quality Metrics

Quality Metrics

Pipeline HTML Report - Counts

25+ Publications & Preprints

"In our field of research dealing with rare T cell subsets in immunological diseases and cancer, unbiased characterization of cellular spatial context is an invaluable tool towards understanding cell niche composition, cell-to-cell interactions and disease pathogenesis. However, these approaches have thus far been hampered by poor resolution, which obfuscates underlying biology.

Compared to other competitors, the Curio Seeker assay allows for cost-effective, near-cellular resolution profiling using a quick and simple protocol without compromises in data quality or sensitivity. These qualities empower researchers of all backgrounds to jump into the spatial genomics field and profile their tissue of interest."

  Kelvin Chen Ph.D.

  Assistant Professor, IFReC, Osaka University

Additional Resources


Curio Seeker Webinars

Product overview, customer perspectives, and educational webinars and presentations


Curio Seeker Product Sheet & Sample Pipeline Report

Access an overview of the Curio Seeker technology


Curio Seeker Datasets

See the kind of data you can uncover with Curio Seeker

Disclaimer: Content in part from Curio Bioscience. All rights reserved by respective original owners.

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